6 ways to get from Ho Chi Minh City to Dalat

Dalat is located approximately 330 km from Ho Chi Minh City, making it the third closest tourist destination after Vung Tau and Mui Ne.

Despite its proximity, it takes over 8 hours to travel there by bus, creating a sense of distance. Compared to Ho Chi Minh City, Dalat can be an inconvenient destination for visitors.

While flying to Dalat might seem unnecessary, traveling by bus can be too far and time-consuming.

In this article, I will explain the different transportation options available for getting to Dalat from Ho Chi Minh City.

How to get from Ho Chi Minh to Dalat

Here’s a summary of the available transportation options for traveling from Ho Chi Minh City to Dalat:

The list below excludes temporary coupons and promotional events. It is based on the lowest one-way fare regardless of time and day.

Transport Travel Time Price
Intercity Bus 8 hours 300,000 VND
Travel Agency Bus 7 hours 300,000 VND
Limousine Van (9 seats) 6 hours 350,000 VND
Limousine Bus (24 seats) 6 hours 30 minutes 300,000 VND
Private Car Service 5 hours 30 minutes 4,000,000 VND
Airplane 1 hour 1,400,000 VND

Intercity Bus

Using an intercity bus, you can travel from Ho Chi Minh City’s western bus terminal (Bến Xe Miền Tây) to Dalat’s bus terminal (Ben Xe Da Lat).

There is an excellent variety of options, as buses run every 30 minutes, 24 hours a day, from Ho Chi Minh City to Dalat.

Since the trip takes about 8 hours, most buses are sleeper buses with modern facilities.

However, getting from the central downtown area of District 1 or Bui Vien Street in Ho Chi Minh City to Mien Tay bus terminal takes about 30 minutes and costs 200,000 Dong using Grab.

Dalat’s bus terminal is around 3 km from downtown, making it quite convenient.

Considering the time and cost, the advantage of using an intercity bus from Ho Chi Minh City to Dalat is diminished.

While many bus companies operate on this route, Futa – Phuong Trang Bus is recommended.

This company, which specializes in sleeper buses, is the largest passenger transportation company in Vietnam, and you can easily book tickets through their website or via an agent.

Phuong Trang 버스
Photo of Futa Bus

After booking on the internet homepage, it is recommended to arrive a little earlier as you need to exchange your ticket for an actual bus ticket at the Phuong Trang counter at the terminal.

How to book an intercity bus?

Where is the Ho Chi Minh Mien Tay bus terminal?

Place Name Ho Chi Minh Western Bus Terminal
Place Name Bến xe Miền Tây
Address 395 Đ. Kinh Dương Vương, An Lạc, Bình Tân, Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh 700000 Vietnam
Business Hours 24 hours
Closed Days None
Tel +84 1900 7373

Travel Agency Bus

Even though there are limited options, taking a Travel Agency Bus is the most comfortable way to travel from Ho Chi Minh to Dalat.

Sinh Tourist is one of the travel agencies situated along Ho Chi Minh’s bustling travel agency street that offers a sleeping bus to Dalat twice a day.

One advantage of this bus service is that the staff can communicate in English, which is especially helpful for foreign travelers.

Moreover, the fact that many foreigners use this service provides a sense of safety and reduces travel-related stress.

But, the bus does not have as many convenient features as the newer limousine bus that I will mention soon.

How to book a travel agency bus?

  • Visit Sinh Tourist directly or send an email to make a reservation
Place Name
The sinhtourist (Sinh Cafe)
Address248 Đề Thám, Phường Phạm Ngũ Lão, Quận 1, Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, Vietnam
Business Hours
6:30 – 22:30
Closed Days
Telephone(08) 3838 9597

Limousine Van (9-seater)

If you want to travel more comfortably than on a bus, you can use a 9-seater limousine van.

These small vans are widely utilized in Vietnam for traveling between nearby cities, with Dalat being the final destination for almost all vans departing from Ho Chi Minh City.

Boarding is easy, making it convenient for small groups of passengers, and the prices are not too high.

However, since the distance is quite long, there are only two companies operating vans, limiting the options.

These small vans aren’t fully equipped as sleeping buses, with seats that can recline halfway for comfortable sleeping during the journey.

Similar to the limousine buses mentioned below, pick-up and drop-off locations vary depending on the company operating the van and can be selected when booking on their websites.

Even if it’s not a designated pick-up or drop-off location, you can get off the van along the way if your hotel or destination is on the van’s route.

In this case, communication in Vietnamese is necessary, so it’s faster to ask for help from your hotel’s front desk.

The biggest advantage and disadvantage of this limousine van is that it’s a small bus for a small number of passengers.

Common problems when taking the van

  • Someone talks loudly on the phone for a long time during the journey.
  • They buy something that smells very strong at the market (rest stop) along the way.
  •  They eat food with a strong smell inside the van, which is not well-ventilated.

So if there’s even one strange Vietnamese passenger on board, you’ll suffer for the entire 7-hour journey from Ho Chi Minh to Dalat.

Taking a long-distance route with many Vietnamese passengers can feel like testing your luck.

The reservation method for the limousine van will be explained below, along with the limousine bus.

Limousine Bus (24-40 seater) 

Limousine buses seem to be the most commonly used method of transportation from Ho Chi Minh City to Dalat. 

Since buses are available at almost 5-10 minute intervals, there is a wide variety of options, and for the more expensive 24-seater buses, passengers have the advantage of being able to choose between single and double beds. 

Most of these limousine buses have pick-up and drop-off locations at offices in both Ho Chi Minh City and Dalat, which are often conveniently located in the downtown areas, making travel even more convenient.

Vexere website shows the pick-up and drop-off locations like this.

How to book a limousine van and limousine bus?

Vexere is the most widely used passenger reservation website in Vietnam. Be sure to choose a company with many reviews and a good rating.

Private Car Service

A private car service is the most expensive option, but it is also the most comfortable way to travel from Ho Chi Minh City to Dalat.

The car will pick you up at your desired location in Ho Chi Minh City and drop you off at your preferred location in Dalat. The vehicle used, and the price vary depending on whether it is for 3, 5, or 12 passengers.


The flight to Dalat takes about 1 hour. Although the fares are not very cheap and there aren’t many flights available, it can be the most preferred method if you want to cover the 8-hour journey in just 1 hour.

  • Vietnam Airlines: 6 flights per day
  • VietJet Air: 2 flights per day

However, Lien Khuong International Airport in Dalat is quite far from the city center, so you will need to travel by shuttle bus, taxi, or Grab.

From Dalat Airport to the city center:

  • Grab: It takes approximately 30-40 minutes from Dalat Airport to the city center near Xuan Huong Lake, and the cost is around 400,000 Dong using Grab.
  • Shuttle Bus: Operates between 06:00 and 18:00, with a cost of 50,000 Dong per hour.

List of airlines operating between Ho Chi Minh and Dalat

Vietnamese airlines are not well-searchable on Skyscanner when booking domestic flights. So even if it’s inconvenient, please visit each airline to purchase the desired flight ticket.

Can I travel by train from Ho Chi Minh to Dalat?

Unfortunately, you cannot travel by train directly from Ho Chi Minh to Dalat. That’s because Dalat Station, which is one of the famous tourist attractions in Dalat, is an old station built in 1932.

Due to its age, it does not operate trains that connect to major cities. Instead, it only operates once a day on a short section within Lam Dong Province, where Dalat is located.

If you want to travel by train, you’ll need to take a train from Ho Chi Minh to Nha Trang, and then use another mode of transportation to get to Dalat.

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